Monday, September 20, 2010

Why Japanese?

Why did I choose to study Japanese?
I wanted to study Japanese purely out of interest. One of my good friend studied Japanese for many years and after she went abroad for several months, she inspired me to learn.

I've always wanted to study Japanese because I'm interested in Japanese culture. Although I've never been to Japan, I would like to visit one day. I'd like to visit the big city as well as the country.

I feel very fortunate to be studying Japanese at Columbia University. We have a great program and I'm very glad that I have this opportunity to learn.

Class has been very exciting. We learn so much every week. I'm learning new vocabulary every week. Basic grammar, etc.

What I find the most difficult is memorizing and writing Hiragana.

I hope that my Japanese language proficiency will dramatically improve by the end of the semester.

Japanese is one of my hardest classes but, I enjoy it the most.


はじめまして!わたしはまいです。Columbia だいがくのよねんせいです。New York からきました。よろしくおねがいします。

